Gymnastics and Trampolining CPD for Teachers

How To Easily Teach Your Students A Half Twist Jump

2024-01-15T13:46:49+00:00By |How To Teach|

A half twist jump is a perfect skill for your students to learn, which they can develop into more advanced skills that combine other moves like a seat landing. This basic skill allows your students to build their trampolining techniques and confidence, as it enables them to create a transition within a sequence. A [...]

How To Teach An Easy Front Landing

2024-01-15T13:45:49+00:00By |How To Teach|

There are many staple tricks that will allow your students to continue developing their trampolining skills. Once they know the basic skills such as the tuck jump, the straddle jump and a seat landing, you can move on to teaching your students how to complete more complex moves like a front landing. A front [...]

A PE Teacher’s Guide to Judging Trampolining Routines

2023-11-03T15:26:05+00:00By |Teach Trampolining|

Physical Education is all about fostering fitness, teamwork, and self-expression. Trampolining is a fantastic way to incorporate all these aspects into your curriculum, and what better way to motivate your students than through a showcase at the end of the term? To ensure fair evaluations and inspire your students to excel, understanding how to judge [...]

Trampolining Showcase for Your PE Class

2023-11-03T15:19:02+00:00By |Teach Trampolining|

Hello PE teachers, As the end of the term approaches, it's time to start thinking about how to celebrate your students' hard work and progress in your trampolining unit. One fantastic way to do this is by organising a trampolining showcase. Showcases not only provide a platform for your students to demonstrate their skills but [...]

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